Truth in Advertising? Online Dress Purchases That Were Far From Reality

8. Wedding gown with pink roses

Original Cost of Dress: Unknown

Created Originally by: Unknown

Purchased from: Internet Store

Purchased for: Unknown (Knock-off)

To be fair, it was a risky choice to look to the left from the start. While a wedding gown adorned with pink roses may seem whimsical and beautiful, the style on the left was always going to be challenging to pull off. The corset design, though somewhat outdated, can still work for certain brides who can confidently embrace that aesthetic.

However, this particular dress may not have delivered the elegance and charm that was expected. The combination of style and fit is crucial, especially for such a significant occasion.


Bridal Gown with Pink Roses from Brides Beware on Facebook

Unfortunately, brides considering the dress on the right have little chance of achieving the look they desire. The placement of the roses is completely arbitrary, and the cut is far from realistic. This style is one that truly requires in-person shopping to assess its fit and overall aesthetic.

Without trying it on, the risk of ending up with a disappointing gown is high, leading to potential catastrophe on such an important day.