Don't Take the Risk: Everyday Essentials That Pose Dangers When Expired

13. Misting Sprays for Cooking

Ends In: Two Years

Cost on Average: $2–$8*

Cooking sprays are a kitchen's best-kept secret for preventing sticky situations, but they typically have a shelf life of only about two years. Over time, the quality of the oil can deteriorate, leading to off-flavors and reduced non-stick effectiveness. While cooking sprays may not spoil in the same way as traditional cooking oils, their functionality can diminish significantly, impacting your cooking experience.


Source: Cooking Mists © Shutterstock/HHannat Tor

To ensure that your culinary creations remain untainted, it's essential to pay attention to the expiration date of your cooking sprays. The next time you reach for that can of cooking oil to coat your pan, take a moment to inspect it. This simple check can help guarantee that your food turns out exactly as you intended—perfectly cooked and free from sticking.